Create Event

This manual updated May 1, 2020

ESGR EventPLUS allows Event Coordinators to create events online. All events can be accessed in a single place, making searching and registering for events easier. Critical event details, such as event attendance and post event evaluation forms, can be recorded for the event to inform future planning. For instructions on how to approve an event, see Approve and Edit Events.


This page describes the following:


To define the properties of a new event:

  1. In EventPLUS, hover over EVENTS on the menu bar, and click CREATE EVENT. The Create Event (Properties) page appears.

  2. Complete the properties of the new event on the Create Event (Properties) page as follows:


Enter the appropriate information in the Overview section:

Field Name


Event Type

Select an event type from the drop-down menu.

State Committee / Region

Select a state from the drop-down menu. Based on the state selected, the Region will be entered or pre-populated.

Event Name

Enter a name for your event.


Select the Public or Private radio button to determine if this event will be visible to the public. If Private is selected, the event will only be visible to logged in Event Owners and assigned delegates. If Public is selected, the event will be visible to all pre-logged in users.


Select the event start date and time, including the time zone and end date and time.

In the REGISTRATION area, select the checkbox if you do not want to allow public users to register for your event. By default, the Register button will appear.

Use the calendar icon to select a date when registration will close to the public.

In the Registration Quota field, enter the maximum number of registrants you want to allow to attend the event. Event Owners and Co-Owners can increase the quota to ensure more registrants can attend.

In the Display From field, use the calendar icon to indicate when the event should be displayed on the ESGR EventPLUS site.



Specify information for the event’s point of contact (POC). When first displayed, these fields default to show your contact details as the Event Owner.

If you want to change the default POC, type the email address of the desired point of contact in the POC Email field. The system locates the specified email address in the ESGR EventPLUS database, and populates the POC First Name and POC Last Name fields accordingly. Select the appropriate status and rank from the remaining drop-down lists provided.

Note: The email address you specify in the POC Email field is the address to which emails will be directed any time a registrant clicks the Send Message link from the Event Details page.


For events that require financial approval, additional mandatory fields are displayed to capture USPFO details. In these fields specify the contact information for the USPFO.


Information for Attendees

Enter a description of the event in the Information for Attendees text box. Apply text formatting as required and/or apply a link to a specific web location by typing the URL, highlighting it and clicking the applicable Font icon.

ESGR EventPLUS applies standard HTML code to produce text formatting in your description. For example:

        [B]Bold Text[/B] for Bold Text.

        [I]Italicized Text[/I] for Italicized Text.

        [U] Underlined Text[/U] for Underlined Text.

        [A][/A] for a clickable hyperlink.

The system also checks for and, if necessary, inserts http:// in front of all hyperlinked text. This is required for ESGR EventPLUS to interpret the links correctly.

To view your description formatted as it will appear, click PREVIEW.

Note: Formatting may not be preserved if you copy and paste from another application.

Event Files

To attach a file describing the event, such as a PDF or Word document click the UPLOAD FILE button to open and upload the appropriate file. Once the file has been uploaded, it will appear in the Event Files section.

For each file that you upload, you can do the following:

Event Location

Enter the name and website of the event location in the Venue Name and Venue Website fields. This information will only appear to registrants in an email, once they have been approved to attend the event.

Begin typing the venue’s street address in the Address field. Select the appropriate address from the drop-down that appears. The remaining fields will populate the address information accordingly.


Event Logo

To personalize the event with the a logo, click the image in the Event Logo section and select the appropriate logo from the Logo Library. Note that if you do not see the logo you want to use, please contact the ESGR EventPLUS HelpDesk at 1-800-336-4590 (option 3)  or to have your logo added.

Delegate Roles

To delegate additional staff members to assist you in managing the event, select the Yes radio button in response to the question under Delegate Roles.

Determine the type of access you want your delegate(s) to have to your event in EventPLUS:

Select the type of access you want to grant your delegate(s) in the Event Roles drop-down list, then click the ADD button to select your delegate(s) from a list.

In the list of users displayed, search by name, role or state. Select the check box to the left of the appropriate delegate(s), then select the check box to add the individual(s) as delegate(s) with the selected event access permissions.

Repeat this step to add additional delegates or delegates with different access permissions.


  1. Once you have finished completing the properties for your event, click the Next button at the bottom of the page. The Breakouts and Sessions page appears.


Breakouts and Sessions

For each event you create in EventPLUS, you have the option of including multiple breakouts and within each breakout, multiple sessions.

To add breakouts and sessions:

  1. On the Create Event (Breakouts and Sessions) page, click the + ADD NEW BREAKOUT button under the appropriate day.

  2. In the Setup Breakout and Session pop-up, enter the breakout name.

  3. Proceed to specify details of the first session.

Field Name


Session Name

Select a session from the drop-down.

If your session does not appear in the drop-down, select Add a Custom Breakout Session. In the Custom Breakout Session field that appears, enter your session name.

Start Date

Enter the date of the session.

Start Time

Enter the start time for the session. (HH:MM)

End Time

Enter the end time for the session. (HH:MM)

Cadre/Instructor Name

Select a Cadre or Instructor from the Cadre/Instructor Name drop-down.

If the individual you would like to add does not appear in the drop-down, select Add a Custom Cadre/Instructor. In the Custom Cadre/Instructor field that appears, enter the applicable name.


Specify the name of the room in which the session is scheduled to take place.


  1. Click the CREATE button to add the breakout and first session.

  2. When you have finished entering the details of the first session, do one of the following:



Event Projections

The Projections tab allows you to enter overall event costs based on anticipated attendees and corresponding costs such as lodging, meals, incidental expenses and travel. You can also project costs for supplies, awards, and fulfillment for the event.

Projected Attendees

  1. In the Projected Attendees section, click the Download Template button to download the template to Excel.

The system saves the event as a draft and navigates you back to the Properties tab.

  1. The download option for the template appears at the bottom of the screen. Click Save to save the file to your computer, or Open to open the file in Excel.

  2. Enter the appropriate information as shown in the table below. All headings highlighted in red are mandatory, those in green are optional.

Field Name Action/Input

Enter Category; Employer, ESGR Staff, ESGR Volunteer, Non -DoD/Speaker or Service member. The options displayed in the Category drop-down menu are based on which Event Type is selected during event creation.

First Name

Enter the projected attendee’s first name.

Last Name

Enter the projected attendee’s last name.


Enter the Organization name.


Enter position details of the projected attendee.

Lodging Nights

Enter the number of nights that lodging will be required.

Travel Days

Enter the number of travel days per diem that will be required.

Full Day

Enter the number of full days per diem that will be required.

Round Trip Mileage

Enter actual round-trip mileage from the projected attendee’s location to event location.


Enter optional remarks concerning projected attendee.




  1. Save the template to your computer, then navigate to the Projections tab and click the Upload button.

  2. Select the file from your computer, then click Open.

  3. The projected attendees are uploaded and displayed.



Projected Costs

ESGR EventPLUS calculates projected costs based on projected attendee details including lodging, meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) and travel.

  1. Review the projected Total Lodging Costs, if necessary adjust Local Lodging Per Diem Rate and Tax and Other Fees Per Night.

  2. Click the Calculations icon to view a breakdown of totals for lodging based on details entered in Projected Attendees section.

  3. Review the projected M&IE costs, edit the pre-loaded Breakfast, Lunch and/or Dinner rates if required and udpate the Per Diem Travel Rate as applicable.

  4. Click the Calculations icon to view a breakdown of totals for M&IE based on details entered in the Projected Attendees section.

  5. Review the projected Travel Costs, edit the Number of Flights and Expected Average Flight Cost if required and update the Mileage Rate as applicable.

  6. Click the Calculations icon to view a breakdown of totals for Travel Costs based on details entered in the Projected Attendees section. You can also enter a Mileage Rate to be used to calculate mileage costs as applicable for attendees who are driving to the event as well as car rental costs.

Note: If changes are made to the event location (state and city) and start date, click Reset Per Diem Rates to load pre-established rates into the Projected Cost section.


Supplies, Awards, and Fulfillments

To enter projected awards and fulfillment:

  1. In the Supplies, Awards and Fulfillments section, click Add New Award and Fulfillment.

  2. Click on the drop-down and select the required item. ESGR EventPLUS pre-populates the minimum number of units in the Number of units field and calculates the Total ORF. The minimum number of units required for new Awards and Fulfillments is one, an error message appears if zero is entered

  3. Enter the number of items required in the Number of units field (if more than the minimum). The system calculates the Total ORF based on the new data.

  4. To add additional projected awards and fulfillments click Add New Award and Fulfillment. As you add new items, the totals are calculated accordingly.

  5. To delete an item, click the Delete icon to the right, then click Delete in the pop-up message that appears.


To enter projected supplies:

  1. In the Supplies, Awards and Fulfillments section, click Add New Supply.

  2. Enter details including Item name, Unit Cost and Number of units in the respective fields. The total cost will then be displayed in the ORF/Total Non-ORF column.

  3. Click the Attachment icon to attach documentation to your supply item.

  4. In the Upload File window, click the Upload File button to attach a file. Note, the maximum file size is 50MB.

  5. Once the file has been uploaded, it will appear below the Upload File button.


Public or Private

Select the Public radio buttons if you want this file to be accessible to the public. Otherwise, select the Private radio button. If you are attaching an invoice or quote, it is recommended to mark this attachment as Private.

Add More Files

To add more files, click the Upload File button again and repeat the steps.

Delete Files

To delete the file, click the Delete button.


Enter a description for the uploaded file in the Add description field.


Click the Done button once you are finished uploading the file(s).


  1. Continue to add projected supplies by clicking Add New Supply. As items are added, total costs are automatically updated.

  2. To add remarks for a supply, click the Remarks icon. In the pop-up that appears, enter remarks and click Save.

  3. To delete a supply or award, click the Delete icon to the right, then click Delete in the pop-up message that appears.

  4. Once you have finished completing the projections for your event, click Next at the bottom of the page to move to the Summary tab.


Reviews and Approvals

 To review the event:

  1. Confirm the event details in the Event Summary section.


  1. Scroll down to the Projected Attendees section to confirm the data is correct.

  2. Next, scroll down to the Projected Cost section and confirm the entered data is correct.

  3. Scroll down to the Supplies, Awards and Fulfillments section to review the data. Click the Attachment icon to view attachments, or hover over the Remarks icon to view remarks.

  4. Scroll down to the Supporting Detail section to confirm the data entered is correct. Click Edit Attachments if you need to add additional documents. Note: Clicking Edit Attachments will redirect you to the Properties tab. You can add new files, update file descriptions, update file visibility, or delete files.

  5. Scroll to the Event Review and Approval section to view potential warnings for your event.

  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and do one of the following:



Event-Specific Notes

Event Type


Awards and Volunteer Training

On the Summary tab, a reminder appears in the Event Review and Approval section advising that volunteers may be authorized a meal if the duration of the event is at least 6 hours. This only applies if the purpose of the meal is to continue the meeting (i.e. working lunch).

On the Summary tab, a reminder appears in the Event Review and Approval section advising that overnight travel/lodging and per diem are only authorized if the planned meeting (including the travel time) is at least 12 hours.

Deployment Cycle Support (ESGR)

On the Summary tab, a reminder appears in the Event Review and Approval section advising volunteers must keep track of activities and submit their hours and mileage.

The event status can be set to Approved immediately from the draft, allowing you to circumvent the entire approval process.

EXCOM and Leader Meetings

On the Summary tab, a reminder appears in the Event Review and Approval section advising that one meal is authorized if the duration of the event is at least 6 hours. The agenda must be 6 hours or more in duration.


The event status can be set to Approved immediately from the draft, allowing you to circumvent the entire approval process.

National Conference (AUSA, MOA, NGAUS, ROA)

The event status can be set to Approved immediately from the draft, allowing you to circumvent the entire approval process.

National Subcommittee


On the Summary tab, a reminder appears in the Event Review and Approval section requiring you to upload a copy of the RFO in PDF format. Use the radio button to mark the file(s) as private.

Senior Leader Brief

On the Summary tab, a reminder appears in the Event Review and Approval section advising volunteers must keep track of activities and submit their hours and mileage.

The event status can be set to Approved immediately from the draft, allowing you to circumvent the entire approval process.

Special Events

The event status can be set to Approved immediately from the draft, allowing you to circumvent the entire approval process.

State Conference/

Trade Show/Booth

On the Summary tab, a reminder appears in the Event Review and Approval section requiring you to upload a copy of the invoice or a quote in PDF format. Use the radio button to mark the file(s) as private.


Support Operations

On the Summary tab, a reminder appears in the Event Review and Approval section requiring you to set the event visibility to Private from the Properties tab.

On the Summary tab, a reminder appears in the Event Review and Approval section requiring you to upload a copy of the invoice or a quote in PDF format. Use the radio button to mark the file(s) as private.

Support/National Leadership Meeting

On the Summary tab, a reminder appears in the Event Review and Approval section requiring you to upload a copy of the RFO in PDF format. Use the radio button to mark the file(s) as private.

The event status can be set to Approved immediately from the draft, allowing you to circumvent the entire approval process.

Unit Brief

On the Summary tab, a reminder appears in the Event Review and Approval section advising volunteers must keep track of activities and submit their hours and mileage.

The event status can be set to Approved immediately from the draft, allowing you to circumvent the entire approval process.

Volunteer Training

On the Summary tab, a reminder appears in the Event Review and Approval section advising that one meal is authorized if the duration of the event is at least 6 hours. The agenda must be 6 hours or more in duration.