Approve and Edit Events

This manual updated May 1, 2020

When an event is created in ESGR EventPLUS, it must go through an approval process. The first step is to have the Volunteer Support Staff review the event, then the Finance Staff will approve the event.

When Volunteer Support Staff review the event, they can request changes and notify the event owner that updates are required. Once the necessary updates have been made, the Volunteer Support Staff can mark the updated event as reviewed and the Finance Staff can then review and approve it or send it back for more changes.

This page describes the following:

Event Approval Notifications

Each time an ESGR event is submitted for approval or re-approval, the approver will receive an email notification prompting them to navigate to ESGR EventPLUS to review and approve or reject the event. Event approvers also receive a daily email notification that includes the list of all events that are currently awaiting their review and approval.

The Event POC also receives email notifications when their event has been submitted for approval. Once the status of the event changes (for example from reviewed to approved), they will receive an email notification confirming which event it is, as well as the new event status.


Reviewing an Event at the Volunteer Support Level

 To review an event at the Volunteer Support level:

  1. In ESGR EventPLUS, hover over EVENTS, and click EVENT REVIEW AND APPROVAL. The Event Review and Approval page appears.

Note: By default, the system displays events with a Start Date from today, to one year in the future. Events are sorted by Submission Date, with the oldest date listed at the top and the more recent submissions will be listed below.

  1. Search for the event by the Start Date Period, Status, Event Location and Event Category and Type using the left Filter sidebar page. You can also search by the event number using the Search by Event Number field and clicking the Search icon.

  2. If you make changes to the filter criteria, make sure to click the Update button.

  3. Once you have located your event, click Mark as V.S. Reviewed in the Review/Approve column. The Edit Event page is displayed, on the Review and Approval tab.

  4. Scroll down to the Projected Attendees section to confirm the data is correct.

Note: The summary count bars break down attendees according to the attendee categories for a particular event type. Hover over a bar to view the number of attendees.

  1. Next, scroll down to the Projected Cost section and review the event cost projections.

  2. Scroll down to the Supplies, Awards and Fulfillments section to review the data. Click the Attachment icon to view attachments, or hover over the Remarks icon to view remarks.

  3. Scroll down to the Supporting Detail section to view the attached file(s).

  4. In the Event Review and Approval section, add applicable Notes in the Note field.

  5. From here, you can choose to do one of the following:

  1. The Notes are added to the Note History and the status is updated.


Approving an Event at the Finance Level

To approve an event at the Finance level:

  1. In ESGR EventPLUS, hover over EVENTS, and click EVENT REVIEW AND APPROVAL. The Event Review and Approval page appears.
  2. Search for your event using either the filter sidebar or the Search by Event Number field.
  3. Once you have located your event, click Mark as Finance Approved in the Review/Approve column. The Edit Event page is displayed, on the Review and Approval tab.
  4. Scroll down to review each section of the Summary page.
  5. In the Event Review and Approval section, add applicable notes in the Note field.
  6. From here, you can do one of the following:
  1. The notes are added to the Note History and the status is updated.



Editing an Event

After creating and publishing an event, the event owner and co-owner(s) can return to the event details at any time to edit and re-publish the event to YRRP EventPLUS. For step-by-step instructions on editing your event properties, breakouts and sessions or registration setup, please see Event Creation.

To edit an event:

  1. Navigate to the Event Details page.

If necessary, display the Event Listing page by hovering over EVENTS on the menu bar, and clicking EVENT LIST. Locate the appropriate event on the Event List page.  Click to open the event.

  1. From the Event Details page, click EDIT EVENT.

  2. Update any information displayed as appropriate.

  3. To save your changes and re-publish the event, click PUBLISH.